Corporate development for the coming decades

A-VOLUTION is the focused complement to the successful development of companies.

In mandates experts in various fields create future-ready, digital, sustainable and human companies.

How we create transformative change

By combining business, people and technology, we implement lasting digitalization projects and transformation initiatives.

Field of action

Developing companies

Field of action

Guiding & strengthen people

Field of action

Implementing new
technologies effectively

Who shapes the future with you

With a network of experienced, independent consultants and experts, we deploy the required skills, capacities and know-how in a targeted manner to solve complex digitalization and transformation projects.

Sascha Adam Founder A-VOLUTION and Business Architect

“In our mandates, we pursue the goal of designing and implementing holistic, long-term solutions for our clients that are tailored to their individual starting situations.

Regular exchanges and discussions are an expression of mutual respect, trust and the desire to find the most effective way of working together.”

How we have achieved impact

Thanks to our many years of experience and broad network, we can draw on a large number of different projects, sectors and roles to successfully implement your mandate.

Your path to us

Every mandate, every project, every assignment is as individual as the companies, people and teams behind it. Let’s start by getting to know each other and talking about your situation and challenge without obligation. Please feel free to book an appointment directly in my calendar.

Die A-VOLUTION Philosophie

Integrierende Zusammenarbeit

Diese Inhalte werden bald verfügbar sein! Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld!

Die A-VOLUTION Philosophie

Fokus auf Wirkung

Diese Inhalte werden bald verfügbar sein! Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld!

Die A-VOLUTION Philosophie

Persönliche Entwicklung

Unsere Erfahrung ist, dass der Großteil der Digitalisierungsprojekte immer auch einen erheblichen Anteil an

Die A-VOLUTION Philosophie

Ganzheitliche Mandate

Ihre Projekte setzen wir im Rahmen von Mandaten um. Wir agieren eigenständig im Rahmen der vereinbarten Eckpfeiler, antizipieren laufend die individuelle Situation und passen unser Vorgehen nach Bedarf an.


Sascha Adam

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